Sunday, July 1, 2007

Jungle girl following in dad's footsteps

At an age when many girls are still playing with their Barbie dolls, Bindi Irwin has moved on to something a bit more challenging.

"I have Blackie my black-headed python. I also have Corny the corn snake. He sleeps with me at night," the 8-year-old-daughter of the late crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin, says proudly as she rattles off the names of the menagerie she keeps back home in Queensland, Australia.

It's a group she hopes to introduce to the rest of the world through her new television show, "Bindi the Jungle Girl."

Taking up her famous father's legacy at such a tender age, is not something Bindi sees as a big deal. She began accompanying him on film shoots when she was just 6 days old and learned early on, she says, what her life's work would be.

Check out her new television show, airing Saturdays on the Discovery Kids Channel (5 p.m. ET).

Source: AP

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