Tuesday, July 1, 2008

California's new HANDS-FREE Law goes in effect TODAY - July 1st..


California drivers 18 and older must use hands-free devices when talking on cell phones beginning Tuesday. Drivers under 18 cannot use cell phones or send text messages.


18 AND OLDER: Voice commands count as going hands-free for drivers 18 or older. BlackBerrys, GPS systems, etc., are OK to use. Text-messaging is legal for now, but legislation pending in Sacramento would ban this as of Jan. 1.

YOUNGER THAN 18: These drivers can't use cell phones. They also cannot send text message or use laptops.

FINES: $20 for a first offense and $50 for each subsequent conviction. Additional administrative fees and penalties can run to $190.


EMERGENCIES: OK to make emergency calls to police, health care providers, fire departments or other emergency agencies.

PASSENGERS: They can use any type of cell phone while in a car.

POINTS: No points against driver's licenses will be assessed.

PUSH-TO-TALK DEVICES: OK for those with licenses to operate a truck tractor or a motor truck. This exemption does not apply to drivers of pickups with commercial plates, even if the pickup is used for commercial purposes, such as by a contractor, landscaper or other business.

SPEAKER PHONES: Drivers cannot hold the phone in their hand while on a speaker phone.

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